Posts Tagged ‘pc’

Jihad Is Not Just Murder, Motive Matters

October 2, 2011

Jihad Is Not Just Murder, Motive Matters
By Judith Miller

Published September 30, 2011

The respected Florida-based Poynter Institute, whose mission is to improve journalism in support of democracy, is trying to help journalists cover Islam more effectively by offering a new on-line course free of charge. So I registered.

And I learned, among other fairly uncontroversial facts about what has been among the world’s fastest growing religions, that while approximately 3,000 people were killed on 9/11, approximately 15,000 people in the U.S. are murdered each year.

[Related Stories
Course Instructs Journalists to Take Note That Jihad ‘Not a Leading Cause of Death’]

I also learned that in most years, “jihad organizations” have accounted for “well under 1 percent” of the half million people who are murdered annually. At its “peak” – of what, University doesn’t tell us– the jihad groups have accounted for under 2 percent of the toll.

Poynter’s professors – Lawrence Pintak and Stephen Franklin, both former foreign correspondents – also tell me that 500,000 individuals die each year from “nutritional deficiencies,” (I suppose in layman’s English, they mean hunger and related causes) “more than 800,000 from malaria, and two million from HIV/AIDS.”

So “jihad is not a leading cause of death in the world,” the course states, “even in the three countries that account for the bulk of the casualties: Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan.”

The professors offer these helpful comparative death tolls to give the 9/11 death toll “some context,” they say. But the implicit message of the course seems obvious enough: 3,000 dead Americans, (and they might have looked up the actual death toll) have been over-covered. Why don’t journalists spend more time covering malaria, or hunger, or especially HIV/AIDS, which the last time I checked, was hardly being ignored by the nation’s media?

For that matter, why aren’t the media investigating bathtub deaths, since according to “Overblown,” John Mueller’s attack on what he regards as the government’s obsessive focus on terrorism, more Americans die in bathtub accidents each year than in terrorist attacks?

The answer should be fairly obvious to such an august institution as Poynter: just as the press covers murders rather than traffic fatalities, which far outnumber killings in America each year, it covers terrorism intensively because motive matters.

“If it bleeds it leads,” may be a rule-of-thumb in journalism, but how and why the person died still determines the importance of the story.

Terrorism is not just run-of-the-mill murder; It attempts to strike at the heart of who and what we are as a nation. And to compare the numbers who died in the deadliest terror strike in our nation’s history with the annual homicides, which occur in all countries and cultures, is to miss the point of what happened in and to America on that fateful day.

Just what kind of journalism is Poynter promoting?

Terrorism was legitimately “the” story of the past decade. And we need only look at today’s newspapers – though no longer on the front pages of most of them – to appreciate the potential threat it still poses, despite America’s impressive gains against this intractable scourge.

As Poynter was recruiting journalism students for its mediocre course on Islam, real journalists were reporting that a “26-year-old man” from “a town west of Boston,” as The New York Times described him in its first graf, was being charged with plotting not only to blow up the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol using remote-controlled aircraft filled with plastic explosives, but also to supply Al Qaeda with detonation devices and weapons to kill American soldiers overseas. The suspect, Rezwan Ferdaus, the Times continues, is “an American citizen” with “a physics degree from Northeastern University in Boston.”

Are those facts about him more important than something that is never reported in the story – the fact that he is a Muslim? The story dances all around religion, of course. It quotes the FBI affidavit as saying that Ferdaus considered Americans “enemies of Allah,” for instance. But nowhere does it say that he is part of a tiny, but growing, worrisome trend among Muslim Americans – those who are being radicalized here at home by real-life and on-line radical Islamist clerics and by myriad other factors that are still poorly understood.

The Poynter course, “Covering Islam in America,” barely mentions the proliferation of such “home-grown” Islamist terrorism in its discussion of important trends and facts about Islam. Its omissions – documented in detail by the conservative Media Research Center – are legion. Among them are the death fatwas issued by militants Muslims against Salman Rushdie (perhaps that is by now too ancient an outrage to include) or the more modern day threats against Kurt Westergaard, whose cartoon about the Muslim prophet Mohammed sparked riots around the world.

Although just this week Saudi women were just promised the right to vote – albeit in a municipal election four years from now – the new course gives short shrift to the Wahabism in the kingdom which makes women unable to make basic decisions about their lives – to travel, work, get educated, or open a business – without the permission of a male guardian. It says nothing, as MRC notes, about the fact that the Saudis executed a Sudanese worker last week for the Islamic crime of “sorcery.”

Its list of individuals and organizations for journalists to consult include such groups as CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which the FBI has shunned for a time, and other dubious, self-appointed “spokespersons” for Islam. While there are excellent individuals in CAIR and at several of the other organizations the course lists, there are also some extremely radical voices. But Poynter’s free, on-line tutorial on Islam offers few such caveats. (You get what you pay for, I suppose.)

The point of the class seems clear, as MRC argues: to downplay “the impact and importance” of “jihad” and the challenge of terrorism and Islamist terrorism, in particular. Those who follow a violent and perverse interpretation of this pillar of Islam may be a tiny minority, but they have changed our nation’s policies, and arguably, its history. But there is no way to know that either from this insipid list of platitudes about one of the world’s largest and most influential monotheisms. This is a course in political correctness for reporters assigned to cover Islam in America who have slept through the past decade. It is unworthy of Poynter.

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Cancerous Islamic Lobbies: CAIR, MSA, ADC, etc.

December 21, 2010

Dear Mr. King: The Arab / Muslim American lobbies, organizations are the problem (CAIR, ADC, MSA, MPAC, etc.)

December, 2010

As courageous Peter King pushes Congress to take up issue with 'Radical Muslims in America,' let's all remember that the moral, direct or often indirect psychological motivation that leads Muslims to be radicalized is by the terror-excusers via mixed messages the Arab Muslim lobbies and organizations broadcast on a constant basis within a total "we Muslims, everywhere are all innocent victims" mentality, their hidden message is clear, the Muslim terrorists that aim at innocent people and use its own population to cause havoc are in essence "victims" if not (even "freedom fighting") "heroes" we can all sympathize with.

This is the problem, and despite of all the public robotic statements (by these Islamo-Arab lobbies) of "denouncing" terrorism directed towards the wider infidel audience public, the average Muslim, still gets (without extra effort in dissecting) their real intended message, quite easy.


CAIR – Council on American-Islamic Relations


MSA – Muslim Students Association


ADC – American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee


MPAC – Muslim Public Affairs Council

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NPR: National Public Radio – Nutcases Pinheads Ravaging

October 22, 2010
Every other day we see another brick of our beautiful democarcy being shaken.
I didn’t support pastor Jones’ burning a koran day, but the way he was censored is alarming.
Now we have CAIR dictating media (NPR re: firing Juan Williams for daring to tell the truth)?

The same Islamic “rights” organization lobby, CAIR whose main founders said: “Islam is not in Amnerica to be equal but to dominate?”


Islam & Christianity: A Revealing Contrast – Page 339

James F. Gauss – 2009 – 389 pages – Preview

Invite a Death Squad to Lunch Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) founder, Omar Ahmad, at a Muslim meeting in Fremont, California in 1998, reportedly stated that Islam was not in America to be equal to any other faith, …

Islam’s Mandate: A Tribute to Jihad – Page 380

Mr. Pat, Mr. Pat (Patrick J. Roelle, Sr.) – Preview

The article stated that at this gathering CAIR Chairman Omar Ahmad urged Muslims not to assimilate into American society, but instead to deliver Islam’s message. He underlined that Islam is not in America to be equal to any other faiths …

Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to … – Page 127

P. David Gaubatz, Paul Sperry – 2009 – 422 pages – Preview

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant,” Ahmad has said. “The Quran should be the highest authority in America.” US Brotherhood leaders advising CAIR—such as … who has stated: “We do not …

Preachers of Hate: Islam and the War on America – Page 289

Kenneth R. Timmerman – 2004 – 400 pages

Stephen Schwartz was fired from Voice of America for his opposition to giving equal airtime to radical Islamists such as CAIR, AMC, and their allies. He believes the Wahhabi lobby has had a devastating impact on the American Muslim …


Best American Political Writing 2008 – Page 139

Royce Flippin – 2008 – 377 pages – Preview

Further: I found I had been—rather charmingly, I thought—referring to myself for years as “a brain-dead liberal,” and to NPR as “National Palestinian Radio.” This is, to me, the synthesis of this worldview with which I now found myself …

The Israel lobby and U.S. foreign policy – Page 173

John J. Mearsheimer, Stephen M. Walt – 2007 – 484 pages – Preview

It has been especially critical of National Public Radio, which it sometimes refers to as “National Palestine Radio. … contributors to withhold support from NPR until its Middle East coverage became more sympathetic to Israel. …

The Dog Walker – Page 48

Leslie Schnur – 2005 – 336 pages – Preview

She listened to the radio every day, all day. Everything from 1010 WINS, You Give Us Twenty-two Minutes, We Give You The World, Imus in the Morning, to NPR, or National Palestinian Radio as she referred to it, to classical, jazz, …

Jewish spectator: Volume 60

School of the Jewish Woman (New York, N.Y.) – 1995 – Page 136

It is perhaps not surprising then that revelation of a conflict of interest, an NPR reporter married to a Palestinian Authority official, hardly creates an Apple at the network. Nicknamed National Palestine Radio by many of its listners

… Whether Israel is battling intifada violence, collecting her dead after terror attacks or ceding unprecedented land and power to the Palestinians, tax-supported NPR consistency promotes the Arab agenda. Factual error, distortion, story

FrontPage Magazine – NPR: National Palestinian Radio

NPR: National Palestinian Radio By: Eric Rozenman Independent Media Review Analysis | Tuesday, November 19, 2002. Is National Public Radio inherently unable …

The Big Apple: National Palestinian Radio (NPR or National Public …

NPR has been nicknamed “National Palestine Radio” or “National … The NPR (aka National Palestinian Radio) is world- renowned for its bias. …


Aug 27, 2005 … NPR National Palestinian Radio One of the little charms of my marriage is that my wife listens to NPR. I really don’t understand why. …

NPR Sucks!

National Palestinian Radio Reports from Gaza. Date: 7/1/02. Show: Morning Edition (NPR). Oh, what an idiot! I can clearly see him now: a microphone clutched …

Moonbattery: Juan Williams Fired by NPR for Acknowledging Terror …

Oct 21, 2010 … Williams was already considered tainted in NPR Land for appearing …. “National Palestinian Radio”. Posted by: Ummah Gummah at October 21, …

Bazooka or Burka – fear of criticizing Islamofascism oppression

October 28, 2008

Bazooka or Burka & fear of criticizing Islamofascism oppression… — Many people are scared to criticise the worst excesses of Islamofascism while being hysterically sensitive to the perceived wrongs of our own culture, especially when it comes to the oppression of females.

Technorati –