Posts Tagged ‘Islamization hearing’

Ellison’s “tears” – Islamization watch – What’s Taqiyya?

March 11, 2011

Ellison’s “tears” – Islamization watch – What’s Taqiyya?

Rep. Ellison Weeps During Radical Islam Hearing – Mar 10, 2011

Peter King and Keith Ellison: Hypocrisy and fake tears on Capitol Hill.


(March 9)

CAIR: (Frantic) (voice breaking…) This is our test… this is it, We can’t fail, we have to demonize Rep. King..

ELLISON: of course, it’s like a Muslim Fatwa.

CAIR: So listen, as you know we are a very powerful Islamic lobby, [we appear as “moderates,”  and we know how to (ab)use it.


CAIR: And we have experience with the American mentality.

The plan is with the YouTube era, we have been thinking…


CAIR: Putting up a show? “Taqiyya” (deceiving the infidel)


CAIR: Something along the line of ‘We are victims…‘ – style.

ELLISON: Ah ha, thank you Brother. We’ll be working on it, what should be embedded in it, I mean, what case should I use as a banner of ‘Muslim hero‘ to beautify all of us and distract America from the real danger coming from so many Muslims?

CAIR: Funny that you mention it, we have been pushing to rewrite 911 attack… so we have that “story” of a mother who won the FBI and “convinced” them that her som died… trying to save others.

ELLISON: That’s a bombshell. Muhammad loves you.

CAIR:  If you need advice  in gaming the infidels, we learned how to joggle in between sending hidden messages of glorifying jihadists or at least excusing terrorists. and acting as if we “denounce “radical Islam. I hope you get it, it takes practice.

(March 10)

L. FARRAKHAN Nation of Islam:
Hey there brother Asalamu Alaikum. Wow! What a show, it sends a shiver in the spine of every “white” and “blue eyed devil.” Peace, peace upon you, Islam is peace…

ELLISON: It worked, didn’t it? haha (long laugh)

FARRAKHAN: Whitey Americans (are so weak) always fall for tears, honest or faked. haha. Allah Akbar, We’ll Conquer America!’


FARRAKHAN (calls back): It’s me, huh, “honorable” minister Farrakhan again, hmm, just giving you a “brotherly” reminder of my true Islamic teaching when you were here in 1995, like the out-pouring love for humanity and “tolerance” for Asians, Jews and all white men… rewriting history of the enormous Arab-Islamic slave trade, supporting Arab racist genocide and slavery by tyrant Al-Bashir in Sudan, glorifying Hitler. You see, it boggles my mind why anyone would call the Nation of Islam the ‘Islamofacsism.’ I have no clue.

(Ellison still laughing).